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Taxas de alojamento

Rental Agreements (all terms)
(Prices valid from April 1, 2024.)

Dormitório (Banheiro e cozinha compartilhados)

Instalação Espaço Daily
Student Village
(Quarto pequeno / norte)
8 m2 ¥1,000
Student Village
(Quarto pequeno / sul, lado que o sol bate)
8 m2 ¥1,200
Student Village
(Quarto grande)
11 m2 ¥1,300

Apartamento (Banheiro e cozinha individuais)

Instalação Espaço Daily
Villa 1 30 m2 ¥2,200
Villa 3 (Quarto Gamer) 22 m2 ¥2,700
Villa 3 (Animais de estimação permitidos) 22 m2 ¥3,000
Villa 3 (Quartos Zen, Kawaii e Halal) 22 m2 ¥2,500
Villa 4 22 m2 ¥2,100
Villa 5/A 26 m2 ¥2,800
Villa 5/B 30 m2 ¥2,900
Residence Hane A 22 m2 ¥2,300
Residence Hane A
(Varanda pequena)
22 m2 ¥2,400
Residence Hane A
(Varanda grande)
22 m2 ¥2,500
Residence Hane B 25 m2 ¥2,500
Residence Hane B
(Varanda grande)
25 m2 ¥2,700
Residence I 100 m2 ¥6,900
Residence K 26 m2 ¥2,200
Residence L (2DK) 35 m2 ¥2,900
Residence L (3DK) 48 m2 ¥3,100
Residence L (1SLDK) Tipo Premium 35 m2 ¥5,000
Residência U 25 m2 ¥2,200

No caso de dormitórios e apartamentos, os alunos podem permanecer (mediante solicitação prévia) no alojamento por um período de 1 dia antes do início dos estudos e 1 dia após a conclusão. Estes dias extras serão incluídos sem custo adicional. Mais informações por favor entre em contato com a YAMASA.


•Accommodation fees do not include futon.
 1)Rental: ¥370/per day
 2)Purchase: ¥25,900
•"Rental Futon" and "Purchased Futon" are a futon, a blanket and pillow set.
 The futon pictured and the ones available for purchase, and the rental one will differ slightly.
Futon Except for some rooms, there is no mattress on the bed so you can not sleep without Futon because the bed is hard without it. Especially from autumn to early spring, it will also become cold in Okazaki and you can not sleep without Futon, so please prepare your own sleeping bag etc if you do not need Futon.
You can rent Futon for only one week , and also you can purchase it during that period.
Customer living in Japan can ship your Futon to YAMASA before moving in and can keep those in the room in advance.
Bed without futon The photo of the bed without Futon.
•Costs concerning communal service expenses, resident’s association fees and utilities are included in the accommodation fees.
•It is possible to share a room but occupants (a group of 2 people) moving into the same room will in principle be expected to move in and leave on the same date. In this case, accommodation rental fees, will be 1 and a half times their usual rate. A designated tenant will be required to handle all the payment and fees. This clause will not be applicable in the case of families or those renting any 2DK or 3DK accommodation.