Study cost calculator
Study and accommodation estimate
Please take in mind that this calculator is for estimate purposes only .
Different discounts and fees may apply. Please check Courses and Accommodation pages.
Please contact us to confirm the exact cost of your study.
-Please select-
Course length
-Please select-
-Please select-
No accommodation
Student Village (Small room/North wing)
Student Village (Small room/South wing)
Student Village (Large room)
Villa 1
Villa 3 (Gamer's room)
Villa 3 (Pet friendly room)
Villa 3 (Zen room)
Villa 3 (Kawaii room)
Villa 3 (Halal room)
Villa 4
Villa 5 Type A
Villa 5 Type B
Residence Hane Type A
Residence Hane Type A (standard balcony)
Residence Hane Type A (large balcony)
Residence Hane Type B
Residence Hane Type B (large balcony)
Residence K
Residence I
Residence L 2DK
Residence L 3DK
Residence L 1SLDK Premium Type
Residence U
Tuition fee
Accommodation fee
Total fee